This Free Worksheet Can Be Your First Step Towards Stopping Your Anxiety From Interfering So Much With Your Life
You set out to reach your goals, wanting to enjoy a fulfilling life.
Then, perhaps something happens along the way so things become more difficult and your self confidence gets lost in negative thinking.
You start to feel the stress and then it turns into anxiety.
Your anxiety feelings get stronger and they start to get in the way of you enjoying your every day life. It doesn´t have to be like that.
You deserve to be able to enjoy living a fulfilling life, anxiety free.
In order to let go of your anxiety feelings you need to understand more about them.
Where do those anxiety feelings come from? There is always something that triggers the anxiety.
Working through this worksheet you may be able to understand what can start your anxious feelings. Do it now!
When You Understand The Triggers Role In Your Anxiety You Can Diminish The Effect
There can be many reasons for your anxiety, but there is always something that triggers the starting point. It is called “the trigger”and that is what I, Jona, see as the missing puzzle piece you need to get a hold of to be able to let go of that anxiety feeling for good.
When you can figure out what the trigger is in a specific anxiety filled circumstances you have experienced, and perhaps more than once, then you are well on your way to be able to control your stress and your anxiety.
How Are You Treating Yourself These Days?
Now I would really like to invite you to download my „Take a break“ worksheet where I want you to think about how you are treating your self these days.
Do you need to make some changes in your life?
This is just a very short but an important exercise.
Keep in mind that you are the most important person in your life!
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